“My life changed completely after the healing miracle!’

Les Nouvelles De Manmin No. 77
 6024 |
Fevrier 16, 2014 |
Brother Mahesh Arya (Delhi Manmin Church in India)
I grew up in unpleasant circumstances. My father lost his both legs, so I had to stay in my uncle’s house before entering primary school. Even worse, I suffered from tuberculosis for several years; I even broke my ribs, and an ox had stepped on my left foot, so from then I couldn’t kneel down. Because of such troubles, I diligently served Shiva, a Hindu deity. But I constantly suffered from misfortune. My father also actively worshipped idols. I was the oldest son in my family and he hated me saying that all misfortune had been caused by me. But my mother gave me great love and affection. I dropped out of high school due to poor family situation and began to earn money. Since I was not healthy, I could not get a good job. I was talented in drawing though, so I studied it and sold my paintings, but I did not make much money. All these caused mental pressure and headaches. I once thought about suicide due to all these miseries. However, on March 15 in 2012, my life made a sharp about-face when I visited Delhi Manmin Church in the guidance of Brother Amit Sharma who studied drawing with me. Going into church, I felt like I was in Heaven such that I didn’t want to go back home. One day, Pastor John Kim prayed for the sick with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12). Amazingly, my chronic headache disappeared. After that, I regularly attended church with happiness though it took me an hour to get there by bike. While offering up services through on-line broadcasting, I was moved as if I was in the main sanctuary of Manmin Central Church. While reading Dr. Lee’s representative book The Message of the Cross, I felt as though he had been speaking right in front of me. The pain in my ribs has gone and my left foot was healed while leading my Christian life and feeling the love of the Lord. Now I can kneel down. God also worked upon my loving mom. In April, 2012, she was in bad physical condition and went to the hospital. She was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer which was in its later stages. Her doctor told us that there was no hope and to just go home. All my family was bathed in tears. But I believed God would heal my mom just as He healed me. Pastor Kim visited us and planted faith in us showing the video of Dr. Lee’s powerful works. He prayed for my mom with the handkerchief and had her drink Muan Sweet Water—the drinkable water of power that was changed from salty sea water at the sea before Muan Manmin Church through Dr. Lee’s prayer (Exodus 15:25) and those who drink the water with faith have experienced God’s power. I also received Dr. Lee’s prayer for the sick he gives after delivering the message with faith. Afterwards, we could see an astounding work of the Spirit through the medical test results. The 5cm-long-lump of cancer had shrunk into a 1cm-lump. Hallelujah! Since then, she has become healthier and healthier, and now she recovered completely in full remission. She could barely speak, but now she can talk and her complexion looks so healthy. My dreary life turned over into a new life thanks to the love of the Lord. I give all thanks and glory to God who gave me happiness.
Before prayer: larynx is in the wrong place, pushed into right due to laryngeal cancer After prayer: remarkable improvement, larynx is in the right place