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Comme il est précisé dans Nombres 21, Dieu a fait traverser le désert aux Israélites de sorte à ce qu’ils puissent être qualifiés pour entrer au pays de Canaan, «un pays où coulent le lait et le miel.» Ils ont cependant échoué à accomplir la volonté de Dieu et ils sont devenus rapides à murmurer et à parler contre Lui chaque fois qu’ils ...

Work of Re-creation

Les Nouvelles De Manmin   No. 77
Fevrier 16, 2014

“Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light” (Genesis 1:3).

Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee

‘Power’ is the love of God for mankind. As we read through the Bible, God has given countless souls faith in God the Creator and the Savior Jesus through the powerful works of God. Especially at this end time, with His power, God will open the way of salvation widely for numerous souls.
In Manmin Central Church, the works of re-creation God allowed have been manifested since its opening. In 2014, the works of re-creation will unfold in more earnest through the power of the shepherd. Then, what are the works of re-creation, and what kinds of works will be shown in detail?

1. What is the work of re-creation?

Works of re-creation are to change or renew something that has been already created. Of course, all the works are only possible within the boundary of the justice and rules of God’s kingdom.
God the Creator created the whole world and let the world operate within a specific set of rules and orders. Everything of the world is run by these rules and order, namely, the “justice.” But we have been witnessing many things that seemed to be beyond these rules and established order.
For example, dead nerves or cells of men cannot be revived. Also, the cycle of the sun and the moon’s rotation cannot be changed. But Jesus revived Lazarus, who had been dead for four days and Joshua stopped the sun and the moon in the sky by the power of God. Such things are the works of re-creation.
These works look like they supersede the rules and the orders of creation of this world as we understand them. Basically, these occurrences are impossible things that we cannot understand with our knowledge. But we believe because we have experienced such works firsthand in our lives.
Every year, the dragonflies appear earlier than the normal time of the year, and they eat up the harmful insects around the summer retreat locations. Dragonflies land and sit on the body parts of Manmin members. Also, many of them have experienced their dead nerves being revived, so their sensation in their limbs came back and their paralysis was loosened. A hole opened in the thick dark clouds that covered our retreat location and poured down rain. It formed immediately and only in the sky directly above our retreat location upon my prayer, and the rain stopped.
God of love has shown us such works of re-creation since the opening of this church. But in recent years, the dimension of them has dramatically changed. It was since the time when God began to show the original light that we usually call the ‘aurora lights’. After the original light, as the original voice was sounded forth in full scale, the works of re-creation have become even more amazing.
The ‘light’ written in Genesis 1:3 is the original light. And the voice saying, ‘Let there be light’ is the original voice. God originally existed all throughout the universe as the light containing voice. God created heavens and earth with this original light and voice.
Many people feel curious about how God created the heavens and the earth and all things in them. In our church, they can see countless occurrences of such works of God.
For instance, some married couples heard during pregnancy that their babies would be daughters through several tests. But they wanted sons so I prayed for them with the power of re-creation. Even though they were in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, their female fetus changed into a male fetus. Also, when some members came to know that they were carrying babies with Down syndrome, they received my prayer and they delivered healthy children. It is the work of re-creation. This kind of work has continually occurred for the last 32 years.
God has trained me to increase the level of the power, even to the level where I can show the work of re-creation with the original light and voice. As the original voice can be sounded forth more perfectly, even more amazing works of re-creation will take place.

2. The highest level of works of re-creation is to revive a dead spirit

The highest level of works of re-creation is to revive a dead spirit. The first man Adam committed sin, and because of that his spirit died. It refers to a state where the spirit is completely inactive, thereby being unable to communicate with God. But this dead spirit can be revived if we accept the Lord as our Savior and receive the Holy Spirit.
As said, all sinners had to necessarily die as written in Genesis 2:17 and Romans 6:23. But because sinless Jesus died for us, a way was opened for us to live again. Because Jesus paid the penalty of sin on the cross in our place, we can live again if we accept Him as our Savior. But in this end time, it is very difficult for the people to accept the Lord as their personal Savior.
That is to say, the work of reviving a dead spirit has become quite rare. It’s because the world has become so full of sins and evil. Since the spirit of man is ‘dead’, the soul is playing the role of the master, and this soul is controlled by the enemy devil and Satan. And even those who had their spirits just barely revived, frequently corrupt again. It’s because of the sins they commit willfully as in Hebrews chapters 6 and 10, and the blaspheming against the Holy Spirit as in Matthew chapter 12. Such people do not even have a guilty conscience for their consciences have been seared as with a hot iron and they cannot hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
How can we save those people whose spirits were dead in that way? The Bible also tells us not to ask for the forgiveness of such people. It says that there is no forgiveness for the sins leading to death. This is the rule that God made in the beginning. The heart of God wants to find a way to save even those children who have received the verdict of Hell and are destined to die. So, He showed His love that goes beyond justice. To revive a dead spirit is the work of highest level among the works of re-creation.
This, of course, is also for those who have not been saved yet, namely, those who have not accepted the Lord for their soul and body are seriously stained by sins. Through this grace, many dying souls all over the world are accepting the Lord.
Now, how can such works of re-creation take place, even though it seems that the works go against the rules of nature? Jesus reviving the dead Lazarus was in accordance with justice. It is impossible for a dead and decaying body to come back to life on this earth. But it is possible in a spiritual space which is in a higher dimension than this physical world.
Jesus is the Creator. This Jesus was born on this earth in the form of a human body and He sacrificed Himself completely for all mankind. Also, He did everything only for the glory of God and only according to the will of God. As this Jesus commanded it, the original voice was sounded and the original light covered the body of the dead man, Lazarus. It was in this way that Lazarus was brought back to life. This was a work of re-creation which was perfectly in accordance with justice.
At this end time full of sin and evil, God also allowed for us such works of re-creation. It’s because He loves mankind so much. Of course, until He could do that, He had to make you and me fill up the measure of justice. Namely, He made me pay the price of tremendous sacrifice. The works of re-creation taking place through this power will also be tremendous.
Ezekiel 37:5-6 says, “Thus says the LORD God to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life. I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin and put breath in you that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the LORD.’” The dry bones, namely the dead spirits of those who did not accept the Lord, will be revived.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the greater sign than showing extraordinary things is the sign of love. It is love that can revive and change a soul. I pray in the name of the Lord that all of you will come forth as apostles of love who will show the works of re-creation together.




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Les Nouvelles De Manmin, Manmin, L'Eglise de Manmin, L'Eglise de Manmin Joong-ang, Rév. Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee