Thanks to the successful "2002 Miracle Healing Prayer Festival"
Manmin News
24822 |
September 12, 2004 |
I am to be the blaze of evangelizing India, the Hindu country of 1.1 billion people.
Missionary Junghee Han (India Manmin Mission center)
Regaining Lord's love through life-giving sermon I was born as the first son among 2 sons and 1 daughter in a Christian family. I tried to study hard and be a model student to be helpful for my parents laboring hard for their 3 children. After graduating from university, I rode on success at some famous electronic companies such as Hansoft co., Korea Cess software co., Namo Interactive co. and so on. So I left a Christian life. However, I couldn't be satisfied nor get peace in my mind with anything. In addition, my life went worse because of some problems of my family and I wandered drinking alcohol and losing the destination of my life. As becoming poor in my heart, I came back to 'Manmin Joong-ang Church' where I had not been attending since my registration in 1994. Later, I heard a clear voice of Holy Spirit during a service, saying, "No more sins! Do not commit sins!" and I shed repenting tears while listening to Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon. I hoped to repay God's grace, which I felt through life-giving sermon from Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee. So, I started to pray on that. As I was serving for Foreign Mission team, I had a dream of becoming a missionary.
The missionary Han receiving Indian traditional shawl which means honor at the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival'.
Bongseop Han, as the only Korean female member of the 'Chennai Philharmonic Ensemble Orchestra'
Toward India, the Hindu country with great passion for mission. After my marriage in 1997, I joined Manmin Missionary Training Center training missionary and learned lots of things regarding overseas ministry. After finishing the course, I served as a manager for 5 years and had trips to Japan, China and the Philippines for mission through foreign short-term mission training programs. During the training, my passion for mission had soared well. Meanwhile, I came up with a term, "India"in the Daniel Daily Prayer Meeting in December 2000. Opportunely, I had a vision trip to India with 10 mission members from 13th to 22nd of April in 2001. There, I shed tears a lot to see many Indian children living miserable lives without their parents'concern. In no time, I came to bear them in my mind and I decided India for my mission destination thinking of 1.1 billion Indians walking on the road of death with idols and poverty. Already everything was prepared for my mission in God's guidance, so I could be dispatched to India on the 22nd of July 2001.
Due to remarkable works of the Holy Spirit by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee, the request of 2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival. In November 2001, I experienced a hardship, my wife's abortion while we were preparing for the 2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival, but I overcame it with peaceful and thankful mind. Then, the doors of mission leading to evangelizing India were open and my wife was blessed to become a member of 'Chennai Philharmonic Ensemble Orchestra'. Also, I came to meet a pastor, Samson running 'Chennai Grace Assembly of God church', who helped me contact with some elder or senior pastors in Chennai. After then, the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' was officially requested by churches belonging to 'Chennai Full Gospel Ministers' Fellowship'. In addition, Ebenezer, an elder at a church as well as a famous Chennai citizen helped us a lot particularly. And a numerous ways of ad - TV, newspaper, billboard, poster, prayer card, electric light screen, meeting with pastors and so on.- were used. Bongseop Han, my wife, being covered in week newspaper as the only Korean female member of the 'Chennai Philharmonic Ensemble Orchestra' also tried to live by faith in spite of poor circumstances. Before the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival', some Hindus interfered in the mini crusades, as works of God were shown to people. So police officers were called out to settle down the happening and withdrew the permission of mini crusades on the ground of possibility of dangerous happening. Tamil Nadu state government issued an act of forbidding forcible conversion and somebody sued us to hinder the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival'. So, the news of '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival's cancellation was issued in some newspapers, but God worked that the case against it was dismissed. As we overcame all hardships not with discouragement but with faith, they were solved well and the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival', which God had already planned before time began was prepared well without any setback.
The biggest, the best crusade in the history of Christianity, '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' When we were dispatched to India, we received this phrase in the Bible "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, Do not be terrified, Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you where you go" (Joshua 1:9) Likewise, we tried to live by faith and God worked for His plan to accomplish His will through lots of helpful hands. '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' was held from Oct. 10th to 13th, 2002 at the Marina beach in Chennai where an apostle of Jesus Thomas became a martyr for the Lord, and it was so successful that more than 3 million people attended overall. Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee confirmed only true God to participants with works of 'the Most High Power of Creation' and life-giving sermon. The '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival'where more than 60% of Hindu participated was not only successful but also was the biggest and the best one in the history of Christianity. A huge stage and mega screens were set up at the Marina beach, and 9 screens were set up at the other places to be shown at the same time. Above all, the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' was shown to the world as well as to whole India through Indian major TV live broadcast and web broadcast. Watching it, a lot of Hindu themselves accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and converted. Moreover, participants glorified God greatly.
Spread the fire of the gospel widely in the whole country of India. The '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' encouraged Indian Christians greatly who had been oppressed and getting through hardship just because of religion. Also, since the event, Indian Christians have been getting united and in harmony with one voice. Each of Indian who had been a Hindu experienced God and has changed their religion into Christianity. So, We have got great deal of letters giving thanks or asking for healing prayer. Also, the recorded tapes of the '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' were broadcasted again by the request from 'India SS Music Channel'. We are to be the blaze of evangelizing in India, a Hindu country of 1.1 billion people thanks to successful '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' We give all glory and thanks to God, our Father, who guided us to the successful '2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival' and give thanks to Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee who has pastured us with life-giving sermon and prayer to get fruits of faith.