On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
I was completely healed of otitis media in 66 years!
Honorary Senior Deaconess Youngae Ko (74, Parish 11 in Manmin Central Church)
I have suffered otitis media for 66 years from the age of 8. One day in my childhood, I felt water entering into the right ear in shampooing. Since then, I started itching in it, and pus and fluid oozed out. In 1950s Korea was faced with war and economic difficulty and I could never dare go to hospital while living in a countryside. I didn’t even have soft tissues or swabs to wipe the ear, so I crumpled up scrap paper and tried to wipe. But it didn’t work well, and I tore some cotton balls from a blanket. Symptoms continued and I had to suffer chronic otitis media even in adulthood. I couldn’t expect any medical treatment but instead carried swabs in pocket all the time. Whenever it itched, I scratched it and wiped it with swabs. The first Divine Healing Meeting of this year was scheduled on January 26, and I earnestly asked for God’s healing at a vowed Daniel Prayer Meeting. It happened on January 16. While I was praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the holy fire flashed through my whole body. I felt the right ear scorched by the fire of the Spirit and it looked like flushed. I became convinced of God’s healing, filled with joy and emotion. Afterwards I no longer itched in the right ear, and pus stopped oozing out. My 66 years of suffering came to an end because otitis media was completely healed. I give all thanks and glory to the Lord for He led me to meet God the Healer who is recorded in Exodus 15:26.