On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
“The pain in my both arms has completely disappeared.”
In December 2021, I started to have severe pain in both arms. When I lifted something or moved something, my bones made sounds. It was difficult to do housework such as washing dishes and cleaning, it was very difficult to lift something that was not too heavy. The pain in both arms made me uncomfortable no matter what I did, and there were many things I needed to get help from around me. In January 2022, I attended the Divine Healing Meeting to receive healing with faith. But I couldn’t get healed. So, I attended the 21 Day Special Daniel prayer meeting of Colombia Manmin Church and prepared myself with prayer earnestly to receive healing at the March Divine Healing Meeting. The God of love has given me a lot of grace when I prayed earnestly. I realized that I was not obedient to God’s words, and I remembered that I did not register as a patient at the January Divine Healing Meeting. I repented with all my heart over what God had enlightened me, and I prayed earnestly to receive healing at the March Divine Healing Meeting.
In March 2022, on the day of the Divine Healing Meeting, I attended it through the Colombia Manmin Church YouTube channel. Finally, when the Acting Senior Pastor Dr. Soojin Lee prayed for the sick, I felt my body getting heated, especially my arms and face. Since then, I have filled with the Holy Spirit and I have been convinced that God has healed me, because I was ale to do everything normally after receiving prayers. There was no difficulty and no pain in cleaning or making a bed. Hallelujah! That afternoon, when my husband came home, I said that I had been healed after receiving prayer at the Divine Healing Meeting. Then, he overjoyed with my daughters. It’s because he’s been seeing how I suffered. Through these experiences, I have become convinced that if I prepare and long with all my heart, God answers to all my prayers. I give all thanks and glory to God the Father and the Lord of love who wants to give good things to His children.