Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

A thyroid lump on my throat was completely gone!
New Update
One day in January 2024, I woke up in the morning and felt pain in my neck. I could feel a small lump. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and bigger to turn into a bump, and the affected area became swollen. It was easily visible, so I turned up my collar or covered it with a scarf. ...

“My family are witnesses of power through healings of celiac, heart disease, and hernia.”

Manmin News   No. 733
December 18, 2022

Pastor Haroon Imran Gill(Age 40, Member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly, Pakistan)

My son Immanuel, born in December 2019, has had an umbilical hernia since birth.
An umbilical hernia occurs when part of your intestine bulges through the opening in your abdominal muscles near your bellybutton. If it is left untreated, it can lead to complications such as long-term incarceration and necrosis, so if found, surgery should be performed as soon as possible.
Furthermore, at that time, Immanuel’s hernia was so big that he had to undergo surgery quickly. As a result of examinations at 4 hospitals, doctors consistently said that surgery was the only treatment. However, Immanuel did not undergo surgery, and his umbilical hernia was healed by prayer laying the handkerchief of power (Acts 19:11-12) that Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed, on his stomach.

But in 2021, there was another hernia in Immanuel’s lower abdomen. A lower abdominal hernia is a disease in which the abdominal wall, the muscular layer of the abdominal region located below the bellybutton, is weakened and a gap is formed, through which organs within the abdominal cavity escape.
The doctor recommended surgery this time as well, but I believed that Immanuel would be healed if I received the prayer of Dr. Soojin Lee, Acting Senior Pastor. I couldn’t go to Korea because of the covid-19, but fortunately, as the restrictions were lifted, I was able to visit Manmin Central Church with a schedule in Korea in September 2022.
On Sunday, September 4, I received Dr. Soojin Lee’s prayer with an earnest heart for the healing of Immanuel’s lower abdominal hernia. And after returning to Pakistan, on the 11th, Immanuel had a regular checkup, and as a result, it was confirmed that he was fully healed (Picture above). The doctor in charge was amazed at the fact that he was cured without surgery, saying it was a miracle. Hallelujah!

In 1993, when I was 11 years old, I came to know about Manmin Central Church through my father (Rev. Wilson John Gill). In June 1999, while my younger sister Cynthia (7 years old then) was dying of celiac disease, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed over her picture and she experienced an amazing miracle of being healed.
In July 2018, I sent an e-mail prayer request to Manmin Central Church for my mother, who was on the brink of death due to kidney failure and heart disease, and received the video clip of ‘Dr. Jaerock Lee’s prayer for the sick’ and then, my mother recovered her health.

Pakistan United Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee

In October 2000, I saw many wonders, signs, and works of power appearing at the “Pakistan United Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee” (picture below) held in Lahore. The crusade unprecedented in the history of Pakistan was held, and after that, works of great revival appeared in each church in Pakistan.
At that time, Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for my studies and future. Afterwards, I graduated from Holiness Theological Seminary (HTS) in Pakistan, was ordained a pastor, and am studying at Manmin International Theological Seminary (MIS) through the Internet.
In 2018, I became a member of the Legislative Assembly of Punjab, which has the largest population in Pakistan. I am grateful and happy to be a witness to God’s power and share the gospel in Pakistan. I give all thanks and glory to the Trine God of love who always leads us to the path of the Lord in bright light.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee