Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“I’m so glad that I can wear sneakers without pain now!”
New Update
It happened in 2020. One day it looked like a thorn got stuck in the right middle toe and I looked into it closely. But nothing was found there. The pain got worse with the passing of time and later I couldn’t bear whenever my toes touched anything. ...

"I am so happy to join in the world mission of Manmin!"

Manmin News   No. 587
April 15, 2018

Brother Seongkyul Lee, age 20, Chiang Rai Manmin Church, Thailand

When I was a fifth grader, my parents were dispatched to Thailand as missionaries and my family moved to the country. Everything was so unfamiliar to me at first, but I joyfully adapted to the new environment since I knew Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee always prays for us.

People in Thailand were suffering from poverty, but they had pure spirits. They joyfully accepted the holiness gospel and changed. They were also healed of their diseases when Pastor Jaewon Lee, my father, led the handkerchief healing meeting and prayed for them with the handkerchief on which Dr. Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12).

I have two brothers. We have helped my parents' ministry. My older brother Seunghun played the guitar in the worship services and served as a leader of the choir. He is now in the army. The other elder brother of mine is a leader of the worship service team and plays the keyboards. He serves as an English interpreter in the Indochina Seminar and he is president of Male Young Adults' Mission.

As president of Young Adults' Mission, I have tried to ride on the same spiritual flow of the central church with our members. Our young adults are running more earnestly than ever with hope for heaven by taking part in the New Jerusalem Campaign 2018. I fulfill such precious duties given by God through prayer: I start my day in the morning prayer meeting before I go to college and I pray at night in Daniel Prayer Meeting.

I also lead praise in the Tuesday Praise & Worship Service and give a lecture in the church's Korean class open for evangelizing people. I also serve as a Thai and English interpreter in the Indochina Pastors' Seminar. I am interpreting Senior Pastor's sermons into Thai during Sunday Services and Friday All-night Service. I feel so proud when I see people receive much grace from Senior Pastor's sermons and shed tears. I am so thankful for letting me live such a valuable life.

Just by thinking that I can help Senior Pastor's ministry that is leading all people of all nations to the way of salvation at the end time, my heart is full and I am strengthened. I give all thanks and glory to God who has blessed me to live a valuable life for the Lord.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee