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A thyroid lump on my throat was completely gone!
New Update
One day in January 2024, I woke up in the morning and felt pain in my neck. I could feel a small lump. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and bigger to turn into a bump, and the affected area became swollen. It was easily visible, so I turned up my collar or covered it with a scarf. ...

My hair's growing again after I began spraying the Muan Sweet Water on my head!

Manmin News   No. 112
February 17, 2008

~ Rev. Doo-Chun Shin (Chinese Great Parish Pastor)

Beginning in January 2006, I began losing hair considerably; when I washed my hair, handfuls of hair just fell out. I went to get a haircut one day and the stylist suggested that I wear a partial wig. I tried one on and, satisfied with the way I looked, started wearing a wig from that day onward. The joy, however, did not last long; the maintenance of a wig was not easy. I had to adjust it so often and on windy or rainy days, it was just plain uncomfortable to be wearing a wig. To make matters worse, I lost even more hair after I began wearing the wig.
As a reward for the revival of the Chinese Great Parish, I went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in May 2006. Because of the wig, however, I could not go to a swimming pool once and when we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, I could not even get a picture taken because I was so afraid that my wig would fly away. At that moment, I felt so pathetic. Many other Manmin members testified to God's healing they had experienced but here I was, a servant of the Lord, concentrating every ounce of my energy to hold on to my wig. It was just embarrassing.
I repented thoroughly for not having shown God my faith and began to commit everything to Him. Every night before I went to bed, I washed my hair, combed it, and began spraying the Muan Sweet Water on my head.
A month passed without much progress but I wasn't disappointed. "God is strengthening my scalp," I told myself in greater humility and marched onward in faith.
In the second month, hair began to grow back! I was so, so happy and the growth of my hair became faster day after day.
On September 7, 2007, I took off my wig, testified to Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee that my hair had begun to grow back, and received his prayer by faith. He prayed for me, saying, "Let lots of hair grow on his head and let none fall off." After that, my hair grew back even faster and fell off considerably less. Today, my hair has grown back so much and so well that I no longer worry about losing it.
It is extraordinary to hear the testimonies of people who have done the same by faith after hearing my own testimony.

1. September 3, 2007 / 2. October 29, 2007 / 3. January 13, 2007

What is the Muan Sweet Water?

After it moved onto an island surrounded by seawater in 1999, Muan Manmin Church began suffering from the lack of a reliable supply of drinking water. The pastor in charge and church members desired in earnest to witness the same works of God who turned the bitter water at Marah into sweet, potable water (Exodus 15), and by faith requested prayer from Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee.
In March 2000, God transformed the bitter seawater at Muan into sweet, potable water by the faith of Muan Manmin members and the prayer of Rev. Dr. Lee. Moreover, people who drink the Sweet Water and apply it by faith experience the restoration of health both in spirit and in flesh and receive God's answers and healing.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee