Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“I’m so glad that I can wear sneakers without pain now!”
New Update
It happened in 2020. One day it looked like a thorn got stuck in the right middle toe and I looked into it closely. But nothing was found there. The pain got worse with the passing of time and later I couldn’t bear whenever my toes touched anything. ...

"Despite infertility caused by fallopian tube obstruction, I conceived by prayer!"

Manmin News   No. 405
September 21, 2014

Deaconess Hongmae Lee, age 32, Chinese Parish

In August 2011, I finally got pregnant after two years of marriage, but it led to miscarriage a month later. The hospital said it was caused by my weak uterus. I had a hard time because I had lost energy and got anemia as aftereffects.

In October, 2011, Deaconess Keumsuk Mang introduced Manmin Central Church to me. She said, "Many people have been blessed to conceive and become healthy by Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer."

During my first visit to church, I felt peaceful and then I enjoyed my Christian life. My faith grew up as I saw and heard proofs of the living God every week. I had no aftereffect any longer and became assured of the blessing of conception.

My husband suggested that I have a medical test in a big hospital in October 2013. He hadn't attended church yet. We went to a large hospital in Gangnam. The results came out. The problem was not my husband's, but my both Fallopian tubes were blocked, which made it impossible for us to have a baby in a natural way. The doctor talked about a test tube baby operation and my husband made the surgical appointment for the last day of October.

As the situation was going in a different way from my desire, I became more eager to receive God's blessing of conception. On October 13, 2013, I received the prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee. Two weeks later I felt something in my body and went to the hospital with a fluttering heart. It was determined that I had been pregnant! My uterine tubes were blocked, I wasn't able to conceive a baby naturally, and I was about to have the test tube baby surgery. But God fulfilled my heart's desire dramatically! I eventually delivered my healthy boy who weighed 3.6kg on July 10 in 2014. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee