On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
"Only by the grace of God, I was promoted to a police inspector"
Senior Deaconess Hyesuk Shin (aged 54, 3-32 Parish in South Korea)
It has already been 28 years since I became a police officer. I have been in charge of juvenile delinquency and investigating juvenile crimes, leading prevention activities, conducting a school violence prevention campaign, and giving lectures on such topics to students and parents. I also accept reports of missing children or runaway students and pursue investigations for their return. I have been faced with cases that were really hard to deal with or with cases where it was unclear about which department should take responsibility for them, but I deemed them all just part of my job. I counseled people on the phone late at night and I didn't avoid those who asked for my help. I was devoted to giving constant help to them.
Dealing with juvenile delinquents, I could feel the heart of my Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee who has done everything he can to help keep the church members from falling into sin and to stand firmly on the truth. I also tried hard to do the same with the students.
Most of them are criticized by society and even their parents turn their backs on them. Because of many different situations, they went astray and abandoned even themselves having no dreams and no hopes. I wanted to make them feel the love of Father God who embraces and leads us in any kind of situation.
Many of them were changed and sent text messages to me saying that they also want to be people who can help others. I felt rewarded and grateful! Some of their parents expressed their thanks in writing on our station's website, so I received official commendation.
In 2014, I have a happy testimony. I should have prepared for a test for promotion to be a police inspector, but for some personal reasons I could not adequately prepare. In the meantime, on January 3, 2014, I was told that I was included in the list of candidates for promotion for having shown outstanding performance. Many kinds of elements work in screening for promotion, so one may feel tense until the final step. I was also feeling nervous, and I wanted to receive help from others, but I decided to rely on God who is my perfect Supporter and I also received Dr. Lee's prayer on January 5. As a result, I passed the screening on January 10. Hallelujah!
All these things are by God's grace. When I tried to do something with my own ability in the past, everything was not easy. But I realized the love of God who wants to give us only good things. Then, I felt joyful and thankful to Him even when I couldn't achieve what I wanted. I just kept Dr. Lee's teaching telling us to seek the advantage of others as God said and I helped civil petitioners, but God blessed me to be promoted. I give all thanks and glory to God.