A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
The Power of Sharing
Manmin News
January 18, 2018
The Sea of Galilee in Israel is filled with the water from the snow-capped Mount Hermon, and the water flows through the Jordan River. The Sea of Galilee overflows with various kinds of fish living in, and its fertile land forms a beautiful forest. In contrast, the Dead Sea is the end of the Jordan River and it doesn't flow out of the Sea. The salinity of the Dead Sea is too high for fish to live in it and it created wilderness around it. It is the same to humans. Some people pursue their own interests and fail to win others' hearts, while others share what they have and live in harmony. If you share with others like the flowing water, you may lead a more valuable life and receive more love and blessing from God, and vice versa. It's up to you.