A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
Deep Fellowship
Manmin News
March 30, 2017
With whom do you think you will have many things to talk about? Is it a person you happen to meet after not seeing them for a long time, or is it someone with whom you meet with often and keep close contact? Initially you might think it is someone you see on occasion because you don't see them often and have a lot of things to talk about. However, you may realize soon that you can talk more with the person you keep close to all the time, someone you know well and who also knows you. The same applies to our talks with God. Some believers want to pray, but after they pray for five or ten minutes they have nothing more to pray about. They should try to have deep fellowship with God, but how can they do it? The answer is to walk in the Light and live in the Truth! (1 John 1:7)