A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
Asking for the Moon
Manmin News
November 20, 2014
A girl had a dream to work for God's kingdom. She wanted to be trained as a proficient worker so she was preparing to apply for an internship in an organization at the top governmental authority. Meantime, she saw a news article that said a wish to get selected by the organization is like "Crying for the Moon!" On the day, she said to God in prayer, "God, it is said that the position is like crying for the moon." Right then, a certain realization filled her heart. "It is I Who created the moon. I will let you have it." In the end, she achieved her dream and said, "I tried my best with earnest hope, and then God Himself accomplished my hope."