A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
What Will You Do Next?
Manmin News
March 17, 2013
An old man asked a student, who had just completed his education, about his future plans. The student answered, "I am going to earn money." Then the old man asked, "What will you do after that?". . . "I'll get married.". . . "What will you do then?". . . "I'll get old with the passing of time and finally die." The old man asked him a final question, "What is after that?" The young man could no longer give him an answer. The days of our lives are numbered within seventy or eighty years and people toil and sweat through those days. No matter what kind of dreams you accomplish on the earth, the dreams end along with death. That is, they'll end unless they are related to the ages to come. True blessings come from fearing God, obeying His commands and preparing for eternal kingdom of heaven.