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Pastor Soojin Lee is inaugurated as Manmin Central Church’s second senior pastor and declares new start

Manmin News   No. 761
April 7, 2024

Manmin Central Church held an inauguration service for the second senior pastor at the Grand Ballroom of 63 SQUARE in Yeouido, Seoul at 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 24.

Pastor Soojin Lee was inaugurated as Senior Pastor and she gave a message entitled with “Be strong and courageous” based on Joshua 1:7-9. She said, “I will become a servant of the Lord who only practices the truth and strives to spread God’s words and will.” She ambitiously announced she would expand Manmin’s ministry continually and achieve God-given vision more actively along with all members of Manmin around the world.

On the behalf of all members of Manmin Central Church, Pastors Association’s president and Elders Association’s president came up on the stage and made an oath with new Senior Pastor Soojin Lee. They gave her a golden key of commission and put the holy garments on her. And Senior Elder Boaz Lee handed over the inauguration plaque to her.

Rev. Vladimir Osipov, Chairman of Russia Assembly of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, gave a congratulatory speech, saying, “Pastor Soojin Lee has performed many God-given duties properly. She is a great leader worthy of leading members of Manmin around the world.” He also said he had a great expectation for the future ministry of Manmin.

In celebration of this event, seven foreign figures sent congratulatory videos including Dr. Andrzej Gasiorowski, Chairman of Helping Hand Coalition, Jonas Gonzalez, General Chairman of the world’s largest Hispanic Christian TV network Enlace, Rosalba Rodriguez, President of Enlace Colombia, Pastor Caleb Moon, Chairman of Africa Assembly of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, Pastor David Jang, Chairman of Latin America Assembly of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, and Missionary Jane Mpollogoma in charge of London Manmin Church in UK.

The event was filled with joy and emotion by congratulatory performances by piano quartet, Korean dance team, and joint praise team under auspice of Performing Arts Committee, and ended with benediction from Senior Pastor Soojin Lee.

At 7 p.m. on February 24, the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ held an Extraordinary General Meeting in the sanctuary of Manmin Central Church. At the election, Manmin Central Church’s Senior Pastor Soojin Lee was elected as Chairperson of the Assembly, and Pastor Mikyung Lee, Vice Chairperson. And the Assembly appointed late Pastor Jaerock Lee as Pastor Emeritus of the Assembly in recognition of his teachings of holiness gospel, foundation and pastoral ministry of Manmin Central Church and successful fulfillment of national evangelization and world mission through powerful ministry.

Pastor Soojin Lee began her pastoral ministry in July 1994 and was ordained in July 2005. She has led many crusades and revival meetings in Israel, Russia, Finland, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kenya, Peru, Honduras, Japan, etc. She has preached God’s messages with the following miracles and signs. She is currently serving as Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church, Chairperson of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, and Permanent President of the Christian World Revival and Mission Association.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee