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The Power of Re-creation Shaking the World in 2017

Manmin News   No. 524
January 8, 2017

On the last Sunday in 2016, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee led Year-end Church General Assembly after Sunday Evening Service in the main sanctuary. He proclaimed the four God-given visions that all Manmin members in approximately 11,000 branch and associate churches should pray for in 2017.

Vision 1: The 'Power of Re-creation' This Power Changes and Renews Things That Have Already Been Created "Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God" (Psalm 62:11).

When the power of re-creation is perfectly completed, abnormal climatological events and changes, unusual weather phenomena and natural disasters caused by mankind's breaking the order of natural law and pollution production, can be prevented through the control of temperature. The power can not only recover dead nerves and degenerated tissues but, it can even renew the hearts of men corrupted with sins and stained with evil and change them into hearts of spirit and goodness. This power of re-creation is a 'secret weapon' that will lead to saving of countless lives in this end time. It is the gift of God who wants to lead them to New Jerusalem.

Vision 2: "Korean Churches and Overseas Ministry" This Church Will Lead All Peoples to Salvation "[God] desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4).

As the world has recently been getting stained with sins and evil, even many believers and people in the Christian community become corrupt enough to meet with criticism. This has caused many non-believers to avoid church. Even believers have left God as the forces of antichrist have increased worldwide. In preparation for the end time, however, God has blessed this church with the powerful works that nobody can deny; the spiritual word that changes even the heart of men; spiritual warriors who perform the powerful ministry together; financial support for the ministry; and members who pray with one heart and obey. As the appointed time is drawing nearer with the change of the world situation, we will prepare more to purify the Christian community and the whole world with the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit.

Vision 3: The 'Beautiful Sanctuary' It Shows the Sincere Heart and Perfect Faith of the Believers
"He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday" (Psalm 37:6).

God wants believers to achieve a sincere heart in full assurance, shine in the world, and offer up beautiful aroma of praise and worship from the bottom of their hearts. The Canaan Sanctuary and Grand Sanctuary can be built by believers who achieve good and beautiful hearts and then become united in the Lord, love God, and trust the shepherd. In other words, it can be accomplished only through God-pleasing faith. The Grand Sanctuary in particular will be constructed as a magnificently symbolic structure that shows the dignity and glory of God all around the world. God will be greatly glorified through its construction.

Vision 4: 'Fruits of the Shepherd' The Believers Will Be United with the Shepherd in Trust and Love "Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him" (Psalm 126:5-6).

Since the opening of the church, through the shepherd, God has planted hope for New Jerusalem, the best of the heavenly dwelling places. Since 2010, especially, God has concentrated on gaining true children by giving the flow of spirit and whole spirit at the price of the shepherd's sacrifice. He has also put an emphasis on 'trust' in the shepherd for the last a few years and wanted to gain the 'fruits of the shepherd' united in trust and love. This is because through the help of the shepherd's power of re-creation and by witnessing the shepherd's tears and sacrifice, they can trust the love of God and the Lord and become people of spirit and whole spirit.

In 2017, it is expected that you will play a key part in leading countless souls to salvation through the power of re-creation of the shepherd, and become God's true children. He is eagerly waiting to give you praise, honor and glory in the beauty of Heaven.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee