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The Power of Re-creation Makes Everything Possible! "Do you want a daughter though your fetus in womb is male?"

Manmin News   No. 372
February 2, 2014

From the first picture on left clockwise, Pastor Eunyoung Cho's son Bother Dohyun Kwon (on left); Deaconess Miran Lee's second child Brother Hajin Yoon who was changed from a daughter; Sister Jinju Moon, who was born through her mother Senior Deaconess Sunhyo Kim's earnest prayer (on right); Sister Heesu Cheong who is Deaconess Hyeyoung Ahn's daughter; Sister Kayoung Joo who is the answer of faith of Deaconess Yunyoung Choi (second from left); Brother Junghyun Park who is the son of Deaconess Sungsook Cheong

From the very beginning of 2014, many testimonies have been received at Manmin Central Church from those who experienced the works of God that changed the gender of yet unborn children. The 367th edition of Manmin News issued on December 29 in 2013 delivered the testimony of Deacon Heeyong Kwak who had his first child after a 9 year's wait through Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. He even experienced that the female fetus changed into a male. With his testimony as a beginning, a great number of church members who have had similar experiences since the church opening have sent their testimonies continuously.

Deaconess Sungsook Jung (aged 49) of Busan Manmin Church conceived her second child 22 years ago. Her husband said he didn't want the baby if it was again a daughter. But she kept receiving Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer for the sick during every service and prayed to have a son. An early diagnosis told her it would be a female, and even at the seventh month her doctor said it would definitely be a daughter.

However, Deaconess Jung stayed peaceful because she and her fellow church members had prayed for it to be a son. As she believed, she delivered not a daughter but a son. She stated, "I give all thanks and glory to God who knew I was in a desperate situation and He changed a daughter into a son through Dr. Lee's prayer."

Human sex is determined when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Ultrasound can reveal a fetus' genital organs around from the 13th week or 14th week, so the gender can be determined. During the seventh to the ninth month of pregnancy, a female fetus develops into a baby girl and a male fetus develops into a baby boy.

Pastor Eunyoung Cho, aged 49, learned that her second child would be her second girl when she was into the seventh month of pregnancy in 1995. She prayed to God, "Let me have a son so that I can lead my parents-in-law to church." And she received Dr. Lee's prayer. Her ultrasound screening showed that her baby was a daughter even a day before her delivery, but her faith did not waver. Pastor Cho said, "My doctor in the delivery room said, 'It is a daughter again! Oh, no! It is a son! It is really a son!' And she was very surprised. This caused my family members and me to increase our faith and my parents-in-law were evangelized." In early 2013, Deaconess Miran Lee, aged 38, also experienced that a daughter changed into a son through Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick during worship services.

Deaconess Yunyoung Choi (aged 49) in Yamagata Manmin Church, Japan couldn't have a baby due to heart surgery she had had. However, she received a blessing of conception from Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer just as a woman in Shunem conceived a baby through Elisha's prayer. Afterward, she conceived her third baby. She wanted to have a daughter but it was determined to be another son. She received Dr. Lee's prayer saying, "Senior Pastor, my doctor told me the fetus in my womb is a male, but I believe that if you pray for me God will change the fetus into a female." She was able to give birth to a daughter as she believed.

In addition to these, there are many cases in which a son changed into a daughter. Senior Deaconess Sunhyo Kim aged 46 gave birth to her first son 19 years ago, and later she conceived again. She wanted a daughter, but the hospital told her a story different from her expectations. She stated, "I heard at the fifth month of pregnancy that it was a son. I prayed with faith and went to hospital at the ninth month. But my doctor still said it was a son." She made confession of faith saying, "For God nothing is impossible. I believe He will change the baby boy in me into a baby daughter". And she prayed earnestly. She chose a few names for girls to give her baby and received Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick during every worship service. Then, she felt pangs of childbirth, went to hospital, and eventually delivered a pretty daughter.

Deaconess Hyeyoung Ahn, aged 47, wanted a daughter but she found that her fetus was a male. She said, "Around at the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, I received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer to have a daughter, and I actually gave birth to a daughter. I was very happy."

Psalm 127:3 reads, "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Children are God-given precious gifts. Through the gifts, the testimony givers have experienced the power of God for whom nothing is impossible. How thankful they felt!

The works of re-creation changed the female or male fetuses that have already been created into male or female fetuses in the justice of God. Such works are in the deep and great love of God who desires to plant faith in many souls and save them by allowing them to meet and experience Him since it is the end time when people will not believe unless they see signs and wonders (John 4:48).

◀Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome designated as (XX), and males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY). If X chromosome and Y chromosome are fertilized, the fetus will be a male. And if X chromosome and X chromosome, the fetus will be a female. Changing a male in the womb into a female is done by the work of re-creation changing XY combination into XX combination.

Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare, Journal of Korean Medical Science




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