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The Fiery Works of the Holy Spirit in Republic of South Sudan!

Manmin News   No. 261
November 20, 2011

At the Pastors' Conference and Handkerchief Crusade held in Republic of South Sudan by Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong, attendees gave thanks and glory to the living God who manifested many healing miracles and signs.

30,000 People Gathered in the Handkerchief Crusade with Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong, Chairman of the Africa Assembly of United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ

Sudan is the biggest country in Africa. There is a religious and cultural gap that had caused constant conflicts in Sudan; between North Sudan, dominated by Arabs, and South Sudan where natives lived. After a civil war lasting 50 years, the Republic of South Sudan was separated from North Sudan and became independent in July, 2011.

However, they are still suffering from poverty and the aftermath of the long civil war. Those who had fled to North Sudan came back to their hometowns to gain freedom, but instead they returned to live in refugee camps without homes and food. Children there are dying of yellow fever and malaria.

By the request of Daniel Awet Akot, Deputy Speaker of South Sudan's National Parliament, Pastors' Conference and Handkerchief Crusade were held in the capital city, Juba with Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong, chairman of the Africa Assembly of United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ.

On October 28, Bishop Dr. Cheong preached the message about God the Creator, Jesus Christ, and the ministry of Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee in Seminar Hall of the Parliament Building, Republic of South Sudan where ministers and members of Parliament gathered. He prayed for their president and the people. On the same day, he gave a lecture on the Book of Job in a Pastors' Conference held in Juba Christian Church. Through those events, many churches registered as branch and associative churches of Manmin Central Church.

On October 29th and 30th, a Handkerchief Crusade was held with thirty thousand attendees in total. Based on Acts 4:12 and Luke 5:1-9, Bishop Dr. Cheong emphasized that we can receive salvation only through Jesus Christ and experience the power of God when we repent. Then, he prayed for the sick with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12). Testimonies started flowing here and there as the blind came to see, the deaf to hear, and the mute to speak. The people who stood and held their walking canes, crutches and wheelchairs up in the air brought shouts of joy from other attendees. It was like a festival.

The people of Republic of South Sudan met the living God who works with the powerful works, and they saw the lights of peace and hope in the meetings. Deputy Speaker, Daniel sent an appreciation plague to Dr. Jaerock Lee asking him to lead United Crusade in Republic of South Sudan.




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